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Car Maintenance

Schedule car maintenance, save time and worry!

Through our car maintenance appointment system, customers can avoid the hassle of queuing and easily book suitable maintenance slots. Customized appointment functions ensure that customers' vehicles receive the best care. Instant reminders ensure that customers don't miss any important car maintenance opportunities.

Backstage reports help you understand customer spending habits!...

Use back-end reports to integrate car maintenance appointment data, consumption habits, and other data. Understand customer preferences and consumption patterns from the data.

Record customer appointments to boost reputation

Through our appointment system, you can not only reduce trivial scheduling time but also record customer appointment records to document customer spending habits and preferences. Easily manage every detail of the vehicle and tailor different promotional advertisements to different customers' needs, thereby increasing store revenue.

Sign up now and enjoy a one-month free trial

Subscription plan price will be charged after a free trial of 1 month.

Understanding the Solution