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Main Features

Automated Booking System

Service Management System

Inventory Management System

Employee Management System

POS System

Data Analysis Center

Automated Booking System

24-hour booking system, instant reservation app for stores/customers

Customers can enjoy 24-hour online booking services, free from time and location constraints, and handle multiple reservations and schedules simultaneously. Effectively improve the previous operating model, greatly enhance work efficiency, and reduce operating costs.

Service Management System

Easily manage appointments, instant reservation notifications and reminders

The online booking system allows employees to handle reservations online without being present at the store. It fully realizes remote management, saves time, and other costs, helping stores manage reservations more effectively.

Inventory Management System

Accurately grasp inventory and improve business efficiency

BooKing! Inventory Management System can also provide real-time data such as inventory quantity and storage records. Through the inventory management system, you can comprehensively grasp inventory data, and departments can share the latest information.

Employee Management System

Intelligently schedule according to reservation needs, streamline employee management

In addition to employee salary calculation, BooKing! personnel management system also includes scheduling, leave, and commission calculation system. Help you simplify employee management, improve operational efficiency, and achieve automated management.

POS System

POS simple and quick checkout and reservation

BooKing! POS (Point of Sale) system records every transaction and revenue. Purchases, inventory, sales, and returns allow stores to clearly understand the operating conditions of the store.

Data Analysis Center

Data analysis helps you optimize business planning

BooKing! provides store overview, product sales status, and service performance analysis. You can view the number of cancellations and repeat reservations for each service, review service performance, and optimize your business.